September 20 & 21, 2024 from 10am-2pm - Landscape Painting (Oil/Acrylic/Watercolor)
If you didn't take any of Edward's previous sessions, don't worry - Each class has new content with daily painting demonstrations and plenty of one-on-one assistance! These classes are for ALL levels.
This two-session class continues exploring the landscape in oil, acrylic or watercolor paints. Landscapes will be the focus, but the principles will apply to all mediums and genres of art.
Instructor will cover topics including design, value structure, color mixing, and edges.
Instructor's teaching focuses on fundamental painting skills; the medium is secondary. Instructor is adept in various media, including acrylic, oil, watercolor, gouache, pastel, charcoal, pen & ink, and graphite; the principles of painting stay the same across mediums. Instructor uses traditional oil paints without toxic solvents; no turpentine, turpenoid, gamsol, or any other odorless vapor-harmful liquid.
Instructor demonstrates at the beginning of every class, and afterward, students work from their references and Instructor provides plenty of one-on-one assistance throughout the course. (Note: Instructor will also have some images from which to work if student does not have their own.)
This class won't be in a follow-along step-by-step format where x amount of students will all have the same copied painting. Ultimately, students will understand the how and why of painting so that they can think and troubleshoot on their own to become great painters.
And here's a link to Edward's instagram page:
Supply List:
Edward Sprafkin - Acrylic Supply List
Edward Sprafkin - Oil Supply List
Edward Sprafkin - Watercolor Supply List
Lean more about your Instructor here:
Edward Sprafkin - Bio
Sample Images: